

Redactors are YAML specifications that define which data to remove when generating a support bundle.

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: Redactor
  name: my-redactor-name
  - name: replace password # names are not used internally, but are useful for recordkeeping
      file: data/my-password-dump # this targets a single file
      - abc123 # this value is my password, and should never appear in a support bundle
  - name: all files # as no file is specified, this redactor will run against all files
      - redactor: (another)(?P<mask>.*)(here) # this will replace anything between the strings `another` and `here` with `***HIDDEN***`
      - selector: 'S3_ENDPOINT' # remove the value in lines following those that contain the string S3_ENDPOINT
        redactor: '("value": ").*(")'
      - "abc.xyz.*" # redact all items in the array at key xyz within key abc in yaml documents

Each redactor consists of a set of files which it can apply to, a set of string literals to replace, a set of regex replacements to be run, and a list of yaml paths to redact. Any of the four can be omitted.

This is divided into two sub-objects - fileSelector (containing file or files) and removals (containing values, regex and/or yamlPath). fileSelector determines what files the redactor applies to, and removals determines what it removes.

file and files

If a file or set of files are specified, then the redactor will only be applied to files matching those. Globbing is used to match files. For instance, /my/test/glob/* will match /my/test/glob/file but will not match /my/test/glob/subdir/file. If neither file or files are specified, then the redactor will be applied to all files.


All entries in values will be replaced with the string ***HIDDEN***.


Regex allows applying a regex to lines following a line that matches a filter. selector is used to identify lines, and then redactor is run on the next line. If selector is empty, the redactor will run on every line. This can be useful for removing values from pretty-printed JSON, among other things. For instance, a selector of S3_ENDPOINT, when combined with a redactor of ("value": ").*(") and run on the following string removes this is a secret while leaving this is NOT a secret untouched.

  "name": "S3_ENDPOINT",
  "value": "this is a secret"
  "value": "this is NOT a secret"

Matches to entries in regex will be removed or redacted depending on how the regex is constructed. Any portion of a match not contained within a capturing group will be removed entirely. For instance, the regex abc(123), when applied to the string test abc123, will be redacted to test 123, because abc was matched but not included within a capturing group. The contents of capturing groups tagged mask will be masked with ***HIDDEN***. Thus (?P<mask>abc)(123) applied to test abc123 will become test ***HIDDEN***123. Capturing groups tagged drop will be dropped, just as if they were not within a capturing group.


The yamlPath redactor redacts items within yaml documents. Input is a .-delimited path to the items to be redacted. If an item in the path is the literal string *, the redactor will apply to all options at that level. For instance, with the following yaml doc:

    alpha: bravo
    charlie: delta
    charlie: delta
    echo: foxtrot
- xray: yankee
  zulu: alpha
- zulu: alpha
  bravo: charlie

A redactor of abc.*.charlie would remove the values for abc.a.charlie and abc.c.charlie, yielding:

    alpha: bravo
    charlie: '***HIDDEN***'
    charlie: '***HIDDEN***'
    echo: foxtrot
- xray: yankee
  zulu: alpha
- zulu: alpha
  bravo: charlie

Items within an array can be addressed either with an integer position or the wildcard *. xyz.0.zulu would only remove one item from the original document - yielding this:

    alpha: bravo
    charlie: delta
    charlie: delta
    echo: foxtrot
- xray: yankee
  zulu: '***HIDDEN***'
- zulu: alpha
  bravo: charlie

Files that fail to parse as yaml, or that do not contain any matches, will not be modified by this redactor. Files that do contain matches will be re-rendered, which will strip comments and custom formatting.

Multi-doc yaml is not yet fully supported. Only the first document is checked for matches, and if a match is found, later documents are discarded entirely.

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