

Collect logs from journald

Journald Collector

To collect log entries from the journald service, you can use the journald collector.


In addition to the shared collector properties, the journald collector accepts the following parameters to filter journal records:

system (Optional)

Show messages from system services and the kernel. Default to false

dmesg (Optional)

Include messages from the kernel ring buffer. Default to false

units (Optional)

A list of systemd units to include messages from. If empty, messages from all units will be included.

since (Optional)

Specify a starting point for the journal entries. This can be a timestamp or a relative time (for example, "1 day ago" for the previous day).

until (Optional)

Specify an endpoint for the journal entries. This can be a timestamp or a relative time.

output (Optional)

Specify the format for the collected logs. Default is "short".

lines (Optional)

Limit the number of lines to fetch from the journal. If set to 0, all lines will be fetched. Default is 0.

reverse (Optional)

Show the newest entries first. Default to false.

utc (Optional)

Show timestamps in UTC. Default to false.

timeout (Optional)

Specify a timeout for collecting the logs. Default to "30s".

Example Collector Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: logs
    - journald:
        collectorName: "k0s"
        system: false
        dmesg: false
          - k0scontroller
          - containerd
        since: "1 day ago"
        output: "json"
        lines: 1000
        reverse: true
        utc: true
        timeout: "30s"

Included Resources

The results of the journald collector are stored in the host-collectors/journald directory of the bundle. Two files per collector execution will be stored in this directory.

  • [collector-name].txt - output of the logs from journalctl
  • [collector-name]-info.json - the command that was executed, its exit code and any output read from stderr. See the example below:
  "command": "/usr/bin/journalctl -u k0scontroller -n 100 --reverse --utc --no-pager",
  "exitCode": "0",
  "error": "",
  "outputDir": "",
  "input": "",
  "env": null
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