
Cluster Resource

Analyze any attribute collected by the `ClusterResources` Collector

The clusterResource analyzer can be used to check any attribute of any known resources in the cluster in a generic manner.

The clusterResource analyzer uses data from the clusterResources collector. The clusterResources collector is automatically added and is always present.

You must specify the kind and name attributes. There is an optional namespace attribute to target the Kubernetes resource.

The yamlPath attribute is used to specify a dot-delimited YAML path of a property on the Kubernetes resource referenced in name. The when attribute supports standard arithmetic comparison operators.

The outcomes on this analyzer are processed in order, and execution stops after the first outcome that is truthy.


checkName: (Optional) Analyzer name. Used for uniqueness if multiple analyzers are defined with similar parameters.

kind: (Required) The type of Kubernetes resource being targeted by name.

supported values:

  • deployment
  • statefulset
  • networkpolicy
  • pod
  • ingress
  • service
  • resourcequota
  • job
  • persistentvolumeclaim
  • pvc
  • replicaset
  • namespace
  • persistentvolume
  • pv
  • node
  • storageclass
  • configmap

name: (Required) The name of the resource to check.

namespace: (Optional) The namespace to look in for the resource. If a namespace is not specified, this will configure the analyzer to search for cluster-scoped resources.

yamlPath: (Required) The dot-delimited YAML path of a property on the Kubernetes resource.

regex: (Optional) See Regular Expression documentation. Note: This is not supported when using arithmetic comparison in when.

regexGroups: (Optional) See Regular Expression documentation. Note: This is not supported when using arithmetic comparison in when.


The when value in an outcome of this analyzer can accept a few variations.

If the yamlPath points to a quantity-based value (such as the size or quota), standard arithmetic comparison operators can be used: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=.

Alternatively, if regex specifies an expected value, using a boolean "true" or "false" in the when clause is acceptable. The boolean value must be written as a string in double quotes.

Example Analyzer Definition

The following example shows how to analyze a specific PersistentVolumeClaim size plus access mode with custom outcomes, and ensure that it is bound (attached):

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: Preflight
  name: preflight-sample-pvc
    - cluster-resources: {}
    - clusterResource:
        checkName: wordpress pvc size
        kind: pvc
        namespace: wordpress
        name: data-wordpress-mariadb-0
        yamlPath: "spec.resources.requests.storage"
          - pass:
              when: ">= 5Gi"
              message: you have enough storage
          - fail:
              message: there is not enough storage
    - clusterResource:
        checkName: check-access-mode
        kind: pvc
        namespace: wordpress
        name: data-wordpress-mariadb-0
        yamlPath: "spec.accessModes"
        regex: ReadWriteOnce
          - fail:
              when: "false"
              message: is not ReadWriteOnce
          - pass:
              when: "true"
              message: is ReadWriteOnce
    - clusterResource:
        checkName: check-pvc-is-bound
        kind: pvc
        namespace: wordpress
        name: data-wordpress-mariadb-0
        yamlPath: "status.phase"
        regex: Bound
          - fail:
              when: "false"
              message: is not bound
          - pass:
              when: "true"
              message: is bound
    - clusterResource:
        checkName: check-replicas-number
        kind: deployment
        namespace: default
        name: strapi-db
        yamlPath: "spec.replicas"
        regex: "1"
          - fail:
              when: "false"
              message: replicas are not matching
          - pass:
              when: "true"
              message: replicas are matching
    - clusterResource:
        checkName: check-replicas-number-case-insensitive
        kind: Deployment
        namespace: default
        name: strapi-db
        yamlPath: "spec.replicas"
        regex: "1"
          - fail:
              when: "false"
              message: replicas are not matching
          - pass:
              when: "true"
              message: replicas are matching
    - clusterResource:
        checkName: check-cm-confg
        kind: configmap
        namespace: default
        name: strapi-db-config
        yamlPath: "data.MYSQL_DATABASE"
        regex: "strapi-k8s"
          - fail:
              when: "false"
              message: is not strapi-k8s
          - pass:
              when: "true"
              message: is strapi-k8s
     - clusterResource:
        checkName: check-storageclass-in-cluster-scope
        kind: storageclass
        name: standard
        yamlPath: "volumeBindingMode"
        regex: Immediate
        clusterScoped: true
          - fail:
              when: "false"
              message: is not Immediate
          - pass:
              when: "true"
              message: is Immediate
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