
Run DaemonSet

Running a DaemonSet during collection time to create data

The runDaemonSet collector can be used to run a DaemonSet in the cluster with the parameters provided. The collector is designed as run-once DaemonSet, able to collect information on every node in the cluster. After all pods in the DaemonSet stop, the collection is completed. The collector deletes and cleans up the DaemonSet and any artifacts after it's created. This collector can be included multiple times, each defining different commands to run.


In addition to the shared collector properties, the runDaemonSet collector accepts the following parameters:

name (Optional)

The name of the collector. The collector name is prefixed to the path that the output is written to in the support bundle. This is also used as the name of the pod and must meet pod naming criteria.

namespace (Optional)

The namespace to schedule the pod in. If not specified, the "default" namespace is used.

podSpec (Required)

The corev1.PodSpec for the runDaemonSet collector. See the Kubernetes API Reference for all available properties.

timeout (Optional)

A duration that is honored when running the pod. If the timeout elapses, the pod is terminated. Troubleshoot waits for a maximum of 60s for the DaemonSet to safely terminate, then forcefully deletes it.

imagePullSecret (Optional)

Troubleshoot offers the ability to use ImagePullSecrets, either using the name of a pre-existing secret in the podSpec or dynamically creating a temporary secret to extract the image and destroy it after run-collector is done.

The ImagePullSecret field at the collector level accepts the following parameters:

  • name (optional)
  • data
    • .dockerconfigjson (required)

      A string containing a valid base64-encoded docker config.json file.

  • type (required)

    A string indicating that the secret is of type "kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson".

To let Troubleshoot create an ImagePullSecret for the run collector to pull the image:

  name: mysecret
    .dockerconfigjson: ewoJICJhdXRocyI6IHsKCQksHR0cHM6Ly9pbmRleC5kb2NrZXIuaW8vdjEvIjoge30KCX0sCgkiSHR0cEhlYWRlcnMiOiB7CgkJIlVzZXItQWdlbnQiOiAiRG9ja2VyLUNsaWVudC8xOS4wMy4xMiAoZGFyd2luKSIKCX0sCgkiY3JlZHNTdG9yZSI6ICJkZXNrdG9wIiwKCSJleHBlcmltZW50YWwiOiAiZGlzYWJsZWQiLAoJInN0YWNrT3JjaGVzdHJhdG9yIjogInN3YXJtIgp9
  type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

For more information about the config.json file and dockerconfigjson secrets, see Pull an Image from a Private Registry in the Kubernetes documentation.

To use an existing ImagePullSecret:

           - args: ["go", "run", "main.go"]
             image: my-private-repository/myRestApi
             - name: my-image-pull-secret

See the examples below for use cases.

Example Collector Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: sample
    - runDaemonSet:
        name: "connectivity"
        namespace: default
          - name: connectivity-test
            image: curlimages/curl
            args: ["-IsL", "www.google.com"]

Example using a private image with imagePullSecret

Using dockerconfigjson secrets

Troubleshoot creates a temporary secret, uses it to pull the image from the private repository, and deletes it after the run collector is completed.

    - runDaemonSet:
        name: "myPrivateApp"
        namespace: default
           name: my-temporary-secret
             .dockerconfigjson: ewoJICJhdXRocyI6IHsKzCQksHR0cHM6Ly9pbmRleC5kb2NrZXIuaW8vdjEvIjoge30KCX0sCgkiSHR0cEhlYWRlcnMiOiB7CgkJIlVzZXItQWdlbnQiOiAiRG9ja2VyLUNsaWVudC8xOS4wMy4xMiAoZGFyd2luKSIKCX0sCgkiY3JlZHNTdG9yZSI6ICJkZXNrdG9wIiwKCSJleHBlcmltZW50YWwiOiAiZGlzYWJsZWQiLAoJInN0YWNrT3JjaGVzdHJhdG9yIjogInN3YXJtIgp9
           type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
          - args: ["go", "run", "main.go"]
            image: my-private-repository/myRestApi

Included resources

When this collector is executed, it includes the following files in a support bundle:


This contains the pod log for every node in the DaemonSet.

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