
Kubernetes Distribution

Analyzing the Kubernetes distribution that's running

The distribution analyzer is used to check for known managed (hosted) and self-hosted versions of Kubernetes. The when attribute supports standard comparators to compare the result to.

The distribution analyzer uses data from the clusterResources collector. The clusterResources collector is automatically added and will always be present.

The distribution analyzer supports the following distributions:

  • k0s (Mirantis k0s)
  • aks (Azure Kubernetes Services)
  • digitalOcean (DigitalOcean)
  • dockerDesktop (Docker Desktop)
  • eks (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service)
  • gke (Google Kubernetes Engine)
  • ibm (IBM Cloud)
  • k3s (K3s)
  • kind (Kind)
  • kurl (Replicated kURL)
  • microk8s (MicroK8s)
  • minikube (minikube)
  • oke (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes)
  • rke2 (Rancher RKE2)
  • embedded-cluster (Replicated Embedded Cluster)


There are no parameters available for this analyzer.

Example Analyzer Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: Preflight
  name: require-hosted-k8s
    - distribution:
          - pass:
              when: "== k0s"
              message: k0s is a supported distribution
          - fail:
              when: "== docker-desktop"
              message: The application does not support Docker Desktop
          - warn:
              when: "== microk8s"
              message: The application does not support Microk8s
          - warn:
              when: "== kind"
              message: The application does not support Kind
          - pass:
              when: "== eks"
              message: EKS is a supported distribution
          - pass:
              when: "== gke"
              message: GKE is a supported distribution
          - pass:
              when: "== aks"
              message: AKS is a supported distribution
          - pass:
              when: "== digitalocean"
              message: DigitalOcean is a supported distribution
          - warn:
              when: "== minikube"
              message: Minikube is not suitable for production environments
          - warn:
              when: "== ibm"
              message: The application does not support IBM Cloud
          - warn:
              message: Unable to determine the distribution of Kubernetes
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