

Collect data to troubleshoot etcd cluster in Kubernetes

The etcd collector gathers essential data to troubleshoot etcd cluster problems in Kubernetes environments. It executes a series of etcdctl commands to assess the health and status of your etcd cluster. During execution, the collector runs the following etcdctl commands on the existing etcd cluster:

etcdctl endpoint health
etcdctl endpoint status
etcdctl member list
etcdctl alarm list
etcdctl version

This collector is compatible with the following Kubernetes distributions:

  • kURL
  • k0s


The etcd collector supports the shared collector properties and the following parameters.

image (optional)

The image for the pod to run etcdctl commands. Default to quay.io/coreos/etcd:latest

See the examples below for use cases.

Example Collector Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: etcd-collector
    - etcd:
        image: quay.io/coreos/etcd:latest

Included resources

When this collector is executed, it includes the following files in a support bundle:


Contains the output of the command etdctl endpoint health --write-out json.

    "endpoint": "",
    "health": true,
    "took": "19.292721ms"


Contains the output of the command etcdctl endpoint status --write-out json.

    "Endpoint": "",
    "Status": {
      "header": {
        "cluster_id": 6711744062120372582,
        "member_id": 8657109746518078165,
        "revision": 12298,
        "raft_term": 2
      "version": "3.5.12",
      "dbSize": 15659008,
      "leader": 8657109746518078165,
      "raftIndex": 13128,
      "raftTerm": 2,
      "raftAppliedIndex": 13128,
      "dbSizeInUse": 6660096


Contains the output of the command etcdctl member list --write-out json.

  "header": {
    "cluster_id": 6711744062120372582,
    "member_id": 8657109746518078165,
    "raft_term": 2
  "members": [
      "ID": 8657109746518078165,
      "name": "eff45d970",
      "peerURLs": ["https://<REDACTED>:2380"],
      "clientURLs": ["https://<REDACTED>:2379"]


Contains the output of the command etcdctl alarm list --write-out json.

  "header": {
    "cluster_id": 6711744062120372582,
    "member_id": 8657109746518078165,
    "revision": 12310,
    "raft_term": 2


etcdctl version: 3.5.1
API version: 3.5
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