
Kubernetes Custom Metrics

Including metricValueLists for Kubernetes custom metrics in collected output

The customMetrics collector can be used to include value lists for custom metrics in the collected data. This collector can be included multiple times, requesting sets of metrics exposed through /apis/k8s.custom.metrics.io/v1beta1/


In addition to the shared collector properties, the customMetrics collector accepts the following parameters:

metricRequests (Required)

A list of metrics to be collected, each request is of the following format:

  • namespace

    For which to collect the metric values, empty for non-namespaces resources.

  • objectName

    For which to collect metric values, all resources are considered when empty, for namespaced resources a Namespace has to be supplied regardless.

  • resourceMetricName

    Name of the MetricValueList as per the APIResourceList from "custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1"

Example Collector Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: sample
    - customMetrics:
          - namespace: default
            resourceMetricName: pods/cpu_usage # objectName is empty, thus, all pods in the namespace will have their metric values collected.
          - namespace: my-namespace
            objectName: my-service
            resourceMetricName: services/node_memory_HugePages_Free # objectName is non-empty, thus, only the service specified will have its metric values collected.
          - objectName: node1 # For nodes and namespaces no namespace is specified.
            resourceMetricName: nodes/node_cpu_guest

Included resources

When this collector is executed, it will include the following files in a support bundle:

|_ <resource_type> # can be Namespace, Pod, Node etc.
   |_ <metric_name> # raw metric name truncated from the resource name as per custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/ e.g. "namespaces/cpu_usage" would result in metric_name "cpu_usage"
      |_ <namespace>.json or <non_namespaced_object>.json # values for namespaced resources metrics are saved together in a file named after the namespace. For non-namespaced resources, each resource has their metric values in a separate file named after the resource. 


    "DescribedObject": {
      "Kind": "Pod",
      "Namespace": "default",
      "Name": "alertmanager",
      "UID": "",
      "APIVersion": "/v1",
      "ResourceVersion": "",
      "FieldPath": ""
    "Metric": {
      "Name": "cpu_usage",
      "Selector": null
    "Timestamp": "2023-05-23T14:04:48Z",
    "WindowSeconds": null,
    "Value": "1m"
  }, ...


    "DescribedObject": {
      "Kind": "Service",
      "Namespace": "my-service",
      "Name": "kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-node-exporter",
      "UID": "",
      "APIVersion": "/v1",
      "ResourceVersion": "",
      "FieldPath": ""
    "Metric": {
      "Name": "node_memory_HugePages_Free",
      "Selector": null
    "Timestamp": "2023-05-23T14:04:48Z",
    "WindowSeconds": null,
    "Value": "0"


    "DescribedObject": {
      "Kind": "Node",
      "Namespace": "",
      "Name": "ip-10-0-71-154.us-west-2.compute.internal",
      "UID": "",
      "APIVersion": "/v1",
      "ResourceVersion": "",
      "FieldPath": ""
    "Metric": {
      "Name": "node_cpu_guest",
      "Selector": null
    "Timestamp": "2023-06-05T16:45:24Z",
    "WindowSeconds": null,
    "Value": "0"
  }, ...

If there is an error encountered, it will include the following file:


  "could not query endpoint /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/my-namespace/services/my-service/node_memory_HugePages_Free: the server could not find the requested resource", // service specified doesn't exist
  "could not query endpoint /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/nodes/node1/node_cpu_guest: the server could not find the requested resource" // no node with such a name
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