

Analyzers Schema

Each analyzer in the analyzers array is one of the analyzers defined in this section.

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: analyzers
  collectors: []
  analyzers: []

An OpenAPI Schema for this type is published at: https://github.com/replicatedhq/kots-lint/blob/main/kubernetesjsonschema/schema/troubleshoot/analyzer-troubleshoot-v1beta2.json.

Shared Properties

The following properties are supported on all analyzers:


Optionally, an analyzer can specify the checkName property.


For analyzers that are optional, based on runtime available configuration, the conditional can be specified in the exclude property. This is useful for deployment techniques that allow templating for optional components (Helm and KOTS). When this value is true, the analyzer will not be called.


Optionally, an analyzer can be set to strict. When strict: true is set for an analyzer, tools using Troubleshoot know that that particular analyzer must not fail.

When exclude: true is specified, exclude will override strict and the analyzer will not be executed.

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