
Subnet Contains IP

Check if an IP address belongs to a given subnet range.

Subnet Contains IP Analyzer

The subnetContainsIP analyzer checks if a given IP address falls within a given subnet (CIDR range). This is useful for validating network configurations and ensuring IP addresses are within expected ranges.


cidr (Required)

The subnet range to check against. The format must be "x.x.x.x/y", with an IPv4 network and y being a CIDR mask between 1 and 32.

ip (Required)

The IPv4 address to check. Must be in the format "x.x.x.x".


The analyzer supports the following conditions:

  • true: Indicates that the IP address is within the specified subnet range
  • false: Indicates that the IP address is not within the specified subnet range

Example Analyzer Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: HostPreflight
  name: subnet-contains-ip
    - subnetContainsIP:
        cidr: ""
        ip: ""
          - fail:
              when: "false"
              message: The IP address is not within the subnet range
          - pass:
              when: "true"
              message: The IP address is within the subnet range
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