
Host OS

Collect and analyze information about the operating system (OS) installed on the machine.

Host OS Collector

To collect information about the operating system installed on the machine, you can use the hostOS collector.



Example Collector Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: hostOS
    - hostOS: {}

Included Resources

The results of the hostOS collector are stored in the host-collectors/system directory of the support bundle.


Example of the resulting JSON file:

  "name": "localhost",
  "kernelVersion": "5.13.0-1024-gcp",
  "platformFamily": "debian",
  "platformVersion": "20.04",
  "platform": "ubuntu"

Host OS Analyzer

The hostOS analyzer supports multiple outcomes by validating the name and version of the detected operating system. For example:

  • ubuntu = 20.04: The detected OS is Ubuntu 20.04.
  • centos >= 7 && < 8: The detected OS is CentOS 7, which might be anything from 7.0 to 7.9, and so requires a range. Multiple comparisons can be joined by && or ||.
  • rhel >= 8 && < 9: The detected platform family is RHEL with a 8.x version. rhel includes RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Alma Linux, Rocky Linux, and more. The mapping of platform family to platform can be viewed here.
  • kernelVersion > 5.12.0: Check if kernelVersion value in the JSON output, regardless of OS, is greater than 5.12.0
  • ubuntu-16.04-kernel >= 4.14: Detect whether Ubuntu 16.04 has a kernel version greater or equal to 4.14. This string follows <platform>-<platformVersion>-kernel = <kernelVersion> format.

Example Analyzer Definition

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: hostOS
    - hostOS: {}
    - hostOS:
          - pass:
              when: "centos >= 7 && < 8"
              message: "CentOS 7 is supported"
          - pass:
              when: "centos >= 8 && < 9"
              message: "CentOS 8 is supported"
          - fail:
              when: "ubuntu = 16.04"
              message: "Ubuntu 16.04 is not supported"
          - pass:
              when: "ubuntu = 18.04"
              message: "Ubuntu 18.04 is supported"
          - pass:
              when: "ubuntu = 20.04"
              message: "Ubuntu 20.04 is supported"
          - pass:
              when: "kernelVersion > 5.12.0"
              message: "kernel version is supported"

RunHostCollectorsInPod enabled

If the spec has runHostCollectorsInPod: true, the hostcollectors will be run in a privileged pod. The collector and analyzer will collect and analyze the results from multiple nodes in the cluster. It will be categorized by each node. Example: If a cluster has 2 nodes running this support bundle spec, the output will be categorized by each node.

apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2
kind: SupportBundle
  name: sb
  runHostCollectorsInPod: true # default is false
    - hostOS: {}
    - hostOS:
          - pass:
              when: "ubuntu >= 22.04"
              message: "Ubuntu 22.04 is supported"
          - fail:
              when: "ubuntu <= 16.04"
              message: "Ubuntu 16.04 is not supported"

The result:

    "name": "host.os.info.node.multinode.demo.m02",
    "labels": {
      "desiredPosition": "1",
      "iconKey": "",
      "iconUri": ""
    "insight": {
      "name": "host.os.info.node.multinode.demo.m02",
      "labels": {
        "iconKey": "",
        "iconUri": ""
      "primary": "Host OS Info - Node multinode-demo-m02",
      "detail": "Ubuntu 22.04 is supported",
      "severity": "debug"
    "severity": "debug",
    "analyzerSpec": ""
    "name": "host.os.info.node.multinode.demo.m02.node.multinode.demo",
    "labels": {
      "desiredPosition": "1",
      "iconKey": "",
      "iconUri": ""
    "insight": {
      "name": "host.os.info.node.multinode.demo.m02.node.multinode.demo",
      "labels": {
        "iconKey": "",
        "iconUri": ""
      "primary": "Host OS Info - Node multinode-demo-m02 - Node multinode-demo",
      "detail": "Ubuntu 22.04 is supported",
      "severity": "debug"
    "severity": "debug",
    "analyzerSpec": ""
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